Comparing of Daqo New Energy Corp

by Lionel Casey

Daqo New Energy Corp. (NYSE: DQ) and Trio-Tech International (NOSE AMERICAN: TRT) compete in opposition to each difference within the Semiconductor Equipment & Materials region. We will compare them and assessment their dividends, institutional possession, analyst recommendations, profitability, risk, earnings, and valuation.

Comparing of Daqo New Energy Corp 3

Valuation and Earnings

  • Gross Revenue Price/Sales Ratio Net Income Earnings Per Share Price/Earnings Ratio
  • Daqo New Energy Corp. 287.16M 2.04 37.78M 5.16 6.Seventy six
  • Trio-Tech International 39.33M 0.28 1.77M 0.09 37.07

Table 1 highlights Daqo New Energy Corp. And Trio-Tech International’s top-line sales, profits in keeping with share (EPS) and valuation. Trio-Tech International appears to have lower revenue and earnings than Daqo New Energy Corp. A company that currently has a lower price-to-profits ratio method is the extra low priced of the two groups. Daqo New Energy Corp.’s stocks had been trading at a lower charge-to-income ratio. This means that its miles are presently extra low-cost than Trio-Tech International.


  • Table 2 presents the return on equity, return on assets, and net margins of the two firms.
  • Net Margins Return on Equity Return on Assets
  • Daqo New Energy Corp. Thirteen.Sixteen% 7.6% 4.6%
  • Trio-Tech International four.50% 1.6% 1%

Risk & Volatility

Daqo New Energy Corp. Is 114.00% extra unstable than Standard & Poor’s 500 because the inventory has a beta of two.14? On the other hand, Trio-Tech International has a beta of 1.75, which is seventy-five .00% more volatile than Standard & Poor’s 500.


Daqo New Energy Corp.’s Current Ratio and Quick Ratio are 1.1 and 1, respectively. The Current Ratio and Quick Ratio of its competitor Trio-Tech International are 2.1 and 1. Eight respectively. Therefore, Trio-Tech International has a higher risk of paying off short and lengthy-time period obligations compared to Daqo New Energy Corp.

Institutional and Insider Ownership

Daqo New Energy Corp. And Trio-Tech International has shares owned through institutional investors as follows: 42.Five% and 27.6%. Seventy-six.Four% is Daqo New Energy Corp.’s percentage owned by using insiders. Insiders Comparatively owned 26.4% of Trio-Tech International shares.


  • Here are the Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly, Yearly, and YTD Performance of both pretenders.
  • Performance (W) Performance (M) Performance (Q) Performance (HY) Performance (Y) Performance (YTD)
  • Daqo New Energy Corp. -zero.88% zero.4% 1.66% 36.14% -42.12% forty nine.06%
  • Trio-Tech International zero.03% -three.05% 1.19% -27.56% -forty four.72% 28.09%

For the beyond 12 months, Daqo New Energy Corp.’s stock price has had more significant growth than Trio-Tech International.

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