Here Are the Cleanest Grocery Stores

by Lionel Casey

Nothing is as significant a turn-off as a dingy grocery with stained flooring, free-floating crumbs, and sticky puddles underfoot. It’s enough to make you abandon your cart and run.

So it’s no wonder that if there may be one function that the first-rate supermarkets and groceries in the U.S. Proportion, it is cleanliness: vibrant lights, bright flooring, gleaming glass and counters, and well-tended shows.

Cleanliness is a not unusual detail among all of the top-rated groceries in Consumer Reports’ recent nationwide member survey of grocery stores, supermarkets, and warehouse clubs.

The six grocers that landed in our top rating tier for usual satisfaction were given excessive marks for cleanliness. They include nearby manufacturers Central Market, based in Texas, Wegmans in the mid-Atlantic, Heinen’s in Ohio and the Chicago region, Southern California-based Gelson’s Markets, and Market Basket in the Northeast—in addition to Trader Joe’s, our highest-rated national chain.

Supermarkets That Gleam

Our results show that cleanliness has a big impact on people’s opinions of grocery stores,” says Jane Manweiler, a CR survey studies associate.

In addition to the one top six stores, 17 markets located excessively—but no longer tops—excelled for cleanliness in our rankings. In rating order, they’re:

• New Seasons Market
• Publix
• Military Commissary
• The Fresh Market
Festival Foods (Wi.)
• Dierbergs
• Lunds & Byerly’s• Fresh Thyme Farmers Market
• Natural Grocers
• Reasor’s• Raley’s• Lowes Foods (NC, SC, VA)
• Hy-Vee
• Haggen Northwest Fresh
• Lidl
• Roche Bros.
• Brookshire’s

Stores are putting a few of the lowest overall in our rankings—together with the countrywide emblem Walmart Supercenter and Eastern shops Tops and Key Food—had disappointing orange chevrons for cleanliness, suggesting that CR members found them missing on that count number.

Ohio-primarily based Marc’s, a discount drugstore and grocery chain, was also given an orange chevron for cleanliness—the second-to-lowest score. But it rated middling average, perhaps due to its superior pricing. (In that category, the store obtained a dark, inexperienced chevron, the best to be had rated.)

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